Why is INTC (Intel) so down? Did I miss some news?

Isn't intel the only one planning to build a TSMC and Samsung like chip factory in the USA and Europe or did I get something wrong?
Dosslen't that also give them a lot of good points with the goverment?

Also Nvidia leaving the gaming market when becoming an AI company dosen't that mean Intels new Arc could have an openning when it gets better in the next few generations?
Or does Nvidia plan to stay in the gaming market just focus on the AI and I got that wrong?

Also CPU battles are historicaly cyclical. AMD on top, Intel on top AMD on top, Intel on top, Now AMD, In 5 years?..

Also Pet Helsinger seema like a good CEO to me or did an I not informed well? He became CEO some 3 years ago if I remember correctly at the top of my mind? Dosen't that mean we should se reutrns in the next few years on his decisons?

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