When and why do I sell??

So this isn’t about making the most money or anything like that, I’m not really a trader, I just have some ETF’s and my question really is that if I already have my retirement fund set up and add to it regularly, what are my other investments for? Well obviously to make money, but when do I pull them out of the market, is it just when I need to buy something big like a car or house. When do I actually get so use the fruits of my labor?

I know this is kind of a stupid question, but I’m not really sure what the answer is. I am saving and investing but for what?

Just a little background for those interested, I am 20 and have around 20k in my portfolio, 25% is in a retirement mutual fund that I will not be touching and the rest is in index funds (VTI, VGT, VONG) but I’m just not sure what the end goal of those is supposed to be, I mean I’m making money so that’s nice but when do I use it.

Sorry for the stupid question, also any advice for how to diversify my portfolio would be nice.

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