What’s the best shipping companies to invest in now that freight rates are on the rise?

I'm interested in investing in shipping companies right now due to the increased freight rates we're seeing from the Red Sea attacks, causing vessel delays and port congestions. It's surprising how overlooked this sector is, even when profits seriously skyrocketed like MAD during the pandemic. I guess because shipping is very niche?

Anyway now it looks like the cycle is gonna be a repeat of the covid-19 pandemic freight skyrocketing yet again, except this time it's the supply shortage, not a demand excess.

I tried searching up on publicly listed shipping companies but surprisingly there are very few of them. I only knew Maersk, but their stock is apparently OTP or something. I cant find their proper stock on my broker app.

Then there's CMA CGM that seems private (I dont know?) and COSCO which is Chinese-owned so I'm iffy on that. Lastly there's ZIM shipping, but it's Israeli-owned and Malaysia recently banned ZIM. IDK if other countries may follow suit in future. Nevertheless ZIM looks like the only viable stock right now and their price has shot up to more than half of their peak from pandemic times.

Does anyone know of any other related stocks or is ZIM really the only one we can buy? ZIM has already risen by an insane 100% in just this 2 months alone. I'm really surprised nobody is even covering on it in the news….

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