What to do with underperforming stocks?

Hi, consider me a noob.

We invested with a brokerage account over the last few years. Looks like we made 11% return since 2018. Abysmal?

Quite a bit is in SPY and VT and VTI.now but we have a few ahole stocks that have bled the account. DocuSign, NEE, and some other idiot ones.

Anyway, we want to get smart now since we'll have babies soon and financial security is an important goal, I guess.

What should we do with these underperforming stocks? We purchased most of these more than a year ago. There's a loss carry over afaik, but does that have the same rules for long term stocks?

I'll have more questions as we proceed this. Fwiw, 2055 retirement funds have been the reason to have any gain at all.

Thanks in advance

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