What industry bubbles do you remember in the past 20 years?

Edit: I am NOT asking what you think the next bubble will be. Just asking which bubbles you remember from the last 20-25 years. (Don’t care about tulips. lol)

I’m talking about specific sectors of the market that went crazy, not a specific stock that went up a lot (like GME) or when literally *everything* went up like crazy (like in 2020-2021).

But it seems that every few months or couple years, we get HUGE hype about a certain sector and everyone piles in until it pops and then nobody talks about it again (at least for many years).

I don’t remember the exact years, but I remember:

* solar (2006?)
* ethanol (2008?)
* crypto (2016?)
* weed (2018?)
* semiconductors (now)

I’m sure there are many more that I missed because some years I wasn’t in the market or I just plain forgot.


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