What are your lottery tickets? Share yours!

99.3% of my holdings consist of VOO, VXF, VXUS and BND.

The other .7% are my ‘lottery tickets’. I throw roughly 200$ a month at them and do zero research, I don’t care and maybe I’ll get lucky one day.

They are the following with reasoning –

PSIL – Psychedelics ETF. I am a casual drug user for special occasions. Years ago I struggled quitting tobacco, and I wasn’t even a regular user. Tried half a tab of acid and never touched the stuff again, cold turkey, no withdrawals.

ANIX – Anixa Biosciences – Read their AMA on Reddit. Almost every woman in my family has had breast cancer. Their vaccine seems promising.

URNM – Uranium ETF – I cannot see how the majority of our civilization’s future will be powered if we’re not going to use Fossil Fuels. Definitely not by Solar and Wind 😂

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