What are the different arguments for people to buy any certain Stock?

Hello there,

I would like to know the different arguments people have when they buy stocks.

Everyone (except some idealists perhaps) is in it to make money of course. But everyone has a different reason why they buy this or that stock. Regardless of being valid or invalid/rational or irrational reasons I would like to know. Each Stock is different but the reasons why they are bought go in similar directions.

For example a reason could be

"this company currently has an (unfair) advantage"


" the CEO impressed/Hyped me let's buy this meme stock"


"The company is known for making products of good quality "


" The Stock value rose by X in the past years, surely it will continue to do so"


" I want to support a political goal related to topics like climate change, gender equality, etc "

and so on.

Thanks in advance 🙂

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