Update: blackout period for employees

So we finally got notified of a blackout, and basically what they said was. \
“We normally only black out senior staff and special roles, but because we have products launching, some of you might have more information than we know you have. So to protect everyone from the perception of insider trading, we’re blacking out the whole company. We don’t know for how long. But we’ll let you know when it’s over”\
That’s it. Products are always launching, so they’re just going to black us out forever? This seems like a BS excuse. Like I said before. This happened the same day as an ESPP purchase date and a lot of people made a lot of money. It feels more like it’s intentional to prevent a mass sell off.\
Can they do this with such a flimsy excuse and no end date? Especially when they know exactly who’s privy to what info. And I have never been.

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