Top 10 single-day surges in stock are all big tech, all 2020 & above, all >150bil. Only 1 >200bil & 4 are by Apple, 4 are in 2022.

***Yesterday & 20 days after Meta broke the record with 196.8 billion gain, Nvidia breaks it by 25% with 247.0 billion in a single day. Here are the top 10 in order of gain:***

***1)Nvidia*** *Feb-22-2024: 247 billion.* ***2)Meta*** *Feb-20-2024: 196 billion.* ***3)Apple*** *Nov-10-2022: 190.9bil.* ***4)Amazon*** *Feb-4-2022: 190.8bil.* ***5)Nvidia*** *May-25-2023: 184.1bil.* ***6)Apple*** *Jan-28-2022: 178.9bil.* ***7)Apple*** *Jul-31-2020: 169bil.* ***8)Apple*** *Oct-28-2022: 150.5bil.* ***9)Microsoft*** *Mar-13-2020: 150.4bil.* ***10)Microsoft*** *Apr-26-2023: 148.3bil.*

***\*Of these top 10:*** *Apple has 4, Microsoft has 2, Nvidia has 2, Amazon & Meta both have 1.*

***\*Of these top 10:*** *2022 has 4, 2020 & 2023 & 2024 each has 2.*

*God bless America…*

***Source: Bloomberg:*** **

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