These are the stocks on my watchlist (4/30)

Hi! I am an ex-prop trader that trades equities.

This is a daily watchlist for trading.

I might trade all of the stocks on here, or none of them, on any given day. I might trade stocks that don't appear on here! I hold no positions in any stocks long-term but Amazon/Mag7/general broad market indices. (unless otherwise noted in these tickers). If you’re on old reddit, click “show images” at the top to see all the charts quickly.

I usually make these watchlists premarket, (or from 6:30 to 7 as time permits), but can be delayed if I'm trading the open. These aren't mean to be taken as gospel or any recommendation to buy/sell.

Many stocks I post are <$500M market cap. Most are NOT good long-term investments but are good candidates to day trade. If you have questions to ask, PLEASE ask specific ones. Questions like “Thoughts on _____? will be ignored unless you add detail to the question”

News: Walmart Closes Health Centers, Telehealth Unit Over Rising Costs


RILY worth watching $40 level.

THC- Reports great earnings- of 3.22 vs 1.45 expected, revenue of 5.37B vs 5.14B expected, raises guidance.

PYPL- Reports miss on earnings (1.08 vs 1.21 expected, revenue of 7.7B vs 7.5B expected). Guides profit forecast to improve as margins improve.

TSLA- Worth watching off the BIDU/autopilot news yesterday: 200 was the level yesterday.

NVDA- Worth watching 900 level. AMD earnings are today so expecting additional volatility for the stock.

BITO/GBTC/proxies- All of the related ETFs are down possibly due to upcoming Hong Kong ETF release for Eth.

Longer-term watches: NVDA/SMCI, SNOW (long for small position), BA, ULTA, TSLA, META

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