These are the stocks on my watchlist (3/26)

This is a watchlist. I might trade all of the stocks on here, or none of them, on any given day. I might trade stocks that don't appear on here! I hold no positions in any stocks long-term but Amazon/Mag7/general broad market indices. (unless otherwise noted in these tickers).

I usually make these watchlists premarket, (or from 6:30 to 7 as time permits), but can be delayed if I'm trading the open. These aren't mean to be taken as gospel or any recommendation to buy/sell. Many stocks I post are <$500M market cap. Most are NOT good long-term investments but are good candidates to day trade.

News: Hazmat Traffic Faces Big Detour After Baltimore Bridge Collapse

ALAB- Stock is still on a tear, after breaking the $80 level I was interested in yesterday. $95/$100 levels worth watching now.

RDDT- Topped out at $75 today. Looks like RDDT and the stock I mentioned above are moving in conjunction with each other.

VKTX- News that promising weigh loss pill (not a shot!) has promising data. Up 26%.

TSLA- Rumor that Italy contracting Tesla to have truck production take place there.

DNUT– MCD to sell Krispy Kreme’s Donuts by end of 2026.

Longer-term watches: NVDA/SMCI, SNOW, BA, LULU

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