The “what should I invest in?” posts really need to stop

The amount of posts from 20 year olds going, “I have $200 in my RH account, what to invest in for the future?” are getting really, REALLY out of hand. Or “Is real estate the move, right now?”

The idea that this subreddit is a fucking oracle is hilarious.

**PSA: Assume everything is priced in, the only thing you are buying with different types of investments is different classes of risk.**

In investing, we generally assume things are priced correctly in public markets. You are simply paying for different types of risk that are appropriate for your desired return, time to liquidity, when you engage in public markets.

Have $100 in a RH account and want it to go to the moon? Shitcoins are appropriate.

Want your $2,000 invested evenly over your career to turn into a nest egg for when you retire? Just VOO/VTI that shit. Target date funds are great if you want to be totally hands-off to retirement.

Near retirement? Might want to switch over to bonds to manage volatility.

If your financial situation is complicated, yet you find yourself coming to this subreddit for help. Stop. Seek a professional who can manage your risk soberly with maximum information.



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