Space Stocks!

I believe the space industry is on the brink of a major boom and would love to hear everyone’s favorite space stocks!

Currently there are 8,377 active satellites in orbit. It is estimated that there will be 58,000 satellites launched by 2030. The space economy is expected to grow from 469 billion to 1 trillion dollars by 2030.

I am also excited to see all of the missions planned for the moon. There are many plans for moon landers, manned (and womanned) missions and even plans for moon stations.

A lot of these space companies will directly and indirectly improve the lives of people here on earth. This means solid and consistent revenue streams for these companies.

The space industry is just heating up and I think it could continue to grow for the next century.

Please comment your favorite space company / stock and include why you think it will be a success in the next 10-20 years and beyond.

Edit: Leave an upvote if you’re excited about the future of the space industry. Getting a lot of downvotes for some reason. Lotta close minded people on Reddit today I guess.

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