SoFi's CEO Anthony Noto's interview with Cramer on March 20th, 2024:
- Gave an outlook for a full-year GAAP profitability in 2024.
- Continue strong growth in the Tech platform as well as "financial business"–> (I think that is what he said)
- We are going to be more cautious in the personal loan business.
- "We are going to save between $40M and $60M of interest expense a year by refinancing from 12.5% down to 1.25% where the convert is and 7% down to 1.25%."
- 12.5% is from 2019 Series 1 Prefer which will go up to 15% for the next 5 years if don't pay off by May 2024.
- Another piece of debt that is about 500M at 7%.