So where are we going?

We had a great bullrun thanks to AI and Mag 6 (not you TSLA) but inflation is still hotter than the 2% target and interest rates aren't going anywhere it seems.

Other stocks in the market seem rather flat or they are dropping, retail isn't doing as well anymore it seems.

Economy feels weird. It's hot in some places and cold in others. Economic policy from the White House is hurt by the disfunction of Congress.

We just seem to be in this giant wait and see year and the few stocks that are definitely doing well like NVDA are being invested in and stocks we are kinda meh about aren't just sitting where they are.

And then there are the bear cases floating around out there like regional bank failures, Michael Burry's bear case, corporate real estate almost in crisis and in crisis in certain areas.

It feels like a weird time, not just in the market but the world over, is this a calm before a storm?


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