Should I sell my live nation stock?

I’m a big events/concert fan, I saw an opportunity in 2020 to put a little money into live nation. My total return as of right now is 227%. Should I hold, I’ll be honest I do everything through Robinhood, my goal has always been to grow what I can on my own and hand it off to a real brokerage at a certain threshold. I’m not experienced, just got lucky a few times and don’t want loose my progress. I’m not sure how this antitrust suit is going to play out. And now with news of 30 states suing to break up Ticketmaster and live nation I’m curious what some people opinions are. It’s not a life changing amount of money, but it would sure suck if I didn’t get something out of it.

Maybe not so worried about selling as I am curious as to how something like this will shake out for the company and future of the stock.

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