Sell MSFT and invest in XLK since it has 20% MSFT?

Long story short, I have 200 shares of MSFT with a cost-basis per share of $43, I am up $77k right now. I am starting to invest in XLK which has 23% MSFT as its top holding, as my goal is to become a bit more diversified instead of having so much tied up in just 1 stock. MSFT is my only stock. FYI my cost basis for MSFT is $8k and it's currently worth $85k.

If I sell I get the major tax hit (long-term gains) but I also know that taking gains/profits is not a bad thing, also considering we are at all-time highs in the market and at MSFT. What would you do? Sell it and just have it in a more diversified ETF like XLK? I can also collect cash on my 5.3% MMA while I invest weekly into XLK and a few other ETFs I have.

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