Reflection of my top and worse performers: MELI, HIMS, CRSPR, BEAM and Intellia

Please note this is my fun account (3.5% of invested capital ~25k) and i am 26 with intention to hold these for 15+ years to see what they do. I need a moonshot for one of these stock to significantly benefit my wealth.

Top performers: MELI, HIMS, CRSPR
Bottom performers. Intellia, beam

MELI: Bullish as they continue to build brand and capture users in their ecosystem. Tailwind: south american market is growing as their economy progresses. Headwind: potential instability of markets they operate in

HIMS: Very bullish next 5-10 years and then will likely sell. Strong marketing spend which i agree with as their LTV/ CAV is fantastic coupled with a 85% retention rate. CAC is going up as market is highly competitive now is time to snatch up customers. HIMS is expanding offerings and is becoming go to convenient DTC health company. To boost stock, they can cut marketing and dramatically increase profitability

CRSPR: Very Bullish next 20 years. Short run was first crispr company to get Euro approval for sickle cell cure. Looking to gain FDA approval soon. Will be first to market if all the clinical trials goes to plan which morningtar places 20% probability to (pretty high for drug). Additional drugs in pipeline

Intellia: bullish. Strong balance sheet but has a long way to go. Too early to tell, but my thesis still holds that they are transformative company over next 20 years

Beam: bearish. May sell out of this position. Strong balance sheet, but are late to game. Their sickle cell cure is way behind CRSPR. Positives: decent amount of drugs in pipeline and differentiated approach to curative therapies

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