Question regarding ESPP and RSUs and taxes.

So right now I have roughly 50k worth of vested RSUs and shares from ESPP. About 25k of each. When my RSUs vested roughly a third were sold for taxes. And my ESPP shares were post tax purchases.

My ESPP shares were purchased at $20.5 and the stock is currently trading at $53. (It’s a shame I can only contribute 15k annually to ESPP and I only get this price for one more year).
My RSUs were purchased around $50 per share.

So my question is this, I’d like sell and invest in something else, what will my tax obligation be?

Using rounded number

Tax of $1500 from RSUs? (500 shares granted at $50 after a portion was sold for taxes, and currently trading at $53) $3 gain per share x 500 shares?

And $16500 on ESPP? (500 shares purchased at $20 post tax and currently trading at $53) $33 gain per share x 500 shares?

I probably won’t do this. I’ll wait until I qualify for short term capital gains, but I’m just curious how to calculate when the time comes.


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