NYSE technical issue impacting some stock prices, incorrectly showing Berkshire Hathaway down 99%

A technical issue at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday caused the A-class shares of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway to appear to be down nearly 100%.

Trading was halted in those shares, as well as in Barrick Gold and Nuscale Power, which had also seen dramatic falls.

The NYSE said in a 10:11 a.m. ET update that it was investigating a technical issue related to the limit up and limit down bands, which are mechanisms to halt stocks for excessive volatility.

There were less than 4,000 recorded trades on the day for Berkshire’s A-class shares when trading was halted. Trading continued in the B-class shares, which were down less than 1% in morning trading.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/03/nyse-technical-issue-impacting-some-stock-prices-incorrectly-showing-berkshire-hathaway-down-99percent.html

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