Need advice: -50% unrealized lost in a single stock

Edit: For context, the Company is SCGP and listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Hi, so first I must admit that I’m a beginner at investing. Over the years I’ve realized that I’m not cut for single stock investments so I’ve sold most of my positions except for one company that I’m in the red.

The company market share is over $3.5 billion and it’s a very prominent and stable company in my country, investing in packaging, kraft papers both domestically and internationally, and continuously expanding their businesses.

I’ve held the company’s stock for 2 years now, going from -20% to +5% last year and now -50%. The company’s profit tanked due to decrease in demand and increase of material prices due to wars in Europe and Middle east. Also the market in my country is in the shit right now.

I’m now down about $15,000 and not sure if I should hold or sell. I’m 26 and won’t need the money anytime soon but not sure if it’s better sold and invest in something less risky. I’m not sure whether the price will go up if the profit increases.

The company’s earnings somewhat stablized now (although much less than it’s peak) and the price keeps trickling down which affect me mentally (as I often made a comparison with what I could buy or how long I need to save up again for that money). But I’m not mentally ready to lose $15,000 either.

Should I just stop looking at it for a few year or sell for the sake of my insanity? I feel like I’m getting invested emotionally and might effect my decision, so I would like some advices from other people.

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