Low-risk ETF that’ll have similar returns to investment grade bonds (or T-bills) AND pays qualified dividends? Does it exist?

Due to fortunate circumstances, I'll be in a high tax bracket. Looking for an ETF (or some vehicle) that will pay qualified and only qualified dividends with hopefully minimal risk. I realize that preferred stocks pay qualified dividends, so I believe this is the best route.

After some research, it seems (not certain) that PGX may be a solid play with interest rates likely to decline in the coming months/years. It appears to pay around a 6% dividends (that I'm hoping is qualified). I can make heads or tails on what's qualified or not.

Investing in bond ETFs or T-bills does not appear to make sense for me, as I'll get hammered during tax season, which is what I'd like to avoid.

Thanks in advance! Will happily gift gold if someone comes up with a solid solution that I end up taking. Cheers!

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