Large Market Movement before Inflation Data Released, DEC2022. NYT outs Super-User emails, JPMorgan/Blackrock on it, inflation data shared

Context To Question (at the bottom):

Remember The Large Market Movement before Inflation Data Released, back in Dec 2022. The White House Press Secretary fumbles an answer saying "we're looking into it a little too much," but the press kept on her and said, "Is the white house and treasury looking into it at all?"

Video of press conference:

Skip to 2024, March.

The NYT New York times uncovers a privileged email list of companies who were getting fed classified information, prior to the public.

New York Times:

Fully Unlocked Article:

Skip to 2024 April, this month.

Bloomberg uncovers that JP Morgan & Blackrock were on the Economist CPI 'Super-User' email list w/ Inflation details.

Bloomberg Article:

Fully Unlocked Article:

Does this answer where the leak came from back in Dec 2022? This Super-User email list?

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