KOLD and BOIL question.

I have no idea what to flair this as, sorry.

I decided to play with BOIL and KOLD despite NG being a widow maker (I’ll learn the hard way).

My question here is: what is a realistic expectation for a top and bottom with stocks like these? In the past they both have had ridiculous prices but my understanding is that by design it has infinite decay and will never return to even close to previous prices. KOLD for example is up like 2000% from its lowest recent price. Does it have to stop?

Every day I tell myself I’m about to lose my ass but it just keeps running (I have stops) this makes me wonder if there is any math behind finding a cap on a ticker like this. I won’t even begin to understand the math behind it but I’m interested in it.

Thanks for any advice regarding leveraged and inverse etfs, I appreciate all of it!

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