Is it a good idea to put 10 dollars biweekly into a stock?

Im 19F and looking to grow my money. Ive been doing stocks on cashapp for a bit but im looking to do more and go bigger.

Currently im putting 10 dollars every week into Vanguard S&P 500 ETF. The current share price is $418.

I dont know a lot about stocks. My dad tried explaining it to me but tbh i still dont get it. What i do know is that if i put money into a company that is growing, then i gain money. If i put money into a company that is not growing, i lose money.

Is this right? Im struggling a bit. Im in college and just need a way to passively gain more money. I have 2 jobs and doordash on the side at the moment. I can probably put 20% of my paychecks into stocks. Please let me know what more i can do and if the biweekly part is a good idea.

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