Investing is too simple and boring, that’s why one might underpeform

It's true.

Einstein said it: There are five ascending levels of intellect: Smart, intelligent, brilliant, genius and simple.

What's the greatest invention of all time? The wheel? Fire? Simple enough.

Who's the greatest investor? Warren Buffett? WB definitely didn't do complex trading or any such. Even Munger said a good investment ought to be screaming at your face when you see it. If you need to do complex DD and research for hours or even days, I'd wager it ain't worth it.

If one wants to maximize returns, they should pick a simple industry to invest in.

Look at anyone at the top of their field in any industry or sport. They've thrown the gimmicks and bullshit out the window and focused on the core basics 100%.

You know the feeling when you're trying to find your keys, wallet or phone and it turns out It was in your pocket or on the desk the whole time? We often like to think of the more complex solutions first, reaching for more complicated solutions than need be.

It's not that it's too complex or difficult to understand. It's that investing is too simple for our frail egos and emotionality.

I think simplicity is the highest philosophy that can be applied to life for success.

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