Impact on inclusion of a stock into the S&P 500?

I know that the inclusion of TSLA into the S&P 500 had a massive impact on it’s stock price. Specifically from the date that the inclusion was announced (11/17/2020) to the actual date that it was included (12/21/2020), the price of TSLA rose from $154 to $235 representing a roughly 50% increase.

I do understand SMCI is not TSLA, so the hype and impact would clearly not be 1-for-1, but I’m curious for those smarter than me, what kind of an impact can we expect this will have on SMCI given it’s already meteoric rise this year and the hype around AI? Is there actually a way to estimate what kind of an impact an S&P 500 inclusion can have on any stock, regardless of the hype levels surrounding that stock?

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