How to figure out the a value of Microstrategy (MSTR) which is a proxy of bitcoin?


I've been a long time holder of MSTR to get some exposure to bitcoin. Currently it's trading about 2X of the bitcoin price per share. Here's a rough math:

– MSTR owns 193,000 bitcoin at the end of last February

– Current bitcoin value that MSTR own = 193,000 * $70,000 = $13,510,000,000

– MSTR has about 17 million shares

– Value per share = $13,510,000,000 / 17,000,000 = $795

– Current MSTR price is $1675 which is about 2X of $795

Why would people pay 2X of the underlying asset? They must have a different method of valuation. What do you think? Any thoughts/opinions are welcome. Thank you.

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