GLP-1 Weight loss drugs, LLY, NVO, competition ?

Is anyone here in the industry or knowledge about this new drug ? From what I understand is that it was originally developed for diabetics, and it was found to be an excellent weight loss drug and Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk got approval for not just diabetics but for weight loss, so doctors can prescribe it to non diabetics for weight loss, and this is been extremely profitable for them.

So the question is, is this drug difficult to make? Whats stopping everyone else from making their own Mounjaro/Ozempic ? If a company like Abbvie comes out with a new GLP-1 and it turns out to be more effect than the others, wouldn’t that crash the price of LLY? I mean I understand cornering the market with a product but it seems like this is a drug that everyone could potentially make as well , there could be dozens of these on the market in a few years maybe? Or are the drugs complex and LLY and NVO likely have the best iteration on the market for years to come ? what do you think ?

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