Fallen Angel Bonds performance history

I’ve read quite a few papers from investment houses near and far about the validity, consistency, robustness and reasoning for the risk adjusted outperformance of [fallen angel bonds](https://www.nasdaq.com/sites/acquia.prod/files/styles/710×400/public/2020/07/23/072320ve.jpg?itok=bFvFOfwX), which is quite compelling.

The problem I have is, none seem to go back further than 1997, and most don’t go back beyond 2003 ish. While this isn’t a completely immaterial dataset, it leaves out a lot of historical environments that place various different stresses on bonds, stresses which could theoretically be very relevant for fallen angels bonds long run performance outlook.

With that in mind, does anyone have a dataset or paper about fallen angel bonds that stretches back beyond 1997? It would be very useful.

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