Elon Musk says Rivian needs to ‘cut costs massively’ and its execs should ‘live in the factory’ or the Tesla rival will die

Elon Musk is not surprised by the bad news hitting Tesla rival Rivian. He’s been warning about it for some time.

On Wednesday, Rivian announced a disappointing quarter and outlook and said it would cut its salaried workforce by roughly 10%.

Shortly after, Musk wrote on X that the rival maker of electric vehicles would go bankrupt in about six quarters on the current trajectory, adding, “Maybe that trajectory will change, but so far it hasn’t.”

“They need to cut costs massively and the exec team needs to live in the factory or they will die,” he wrote.

Musk, having gone through “production hell” and “sleeping at the factory” himself at Tesla, should know.

The billionaire has warned about Rivian’s challenges before. In June 2022, he said his advice for the company would be “to cut costs immediately across the board dramatically or they’re doomed.”


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