Could RDDT be a path to user owned web sites?

Today I found that is now very hard to access. This was probably done by Reddit to monetize the web site where they make money by destroying parts of reddit that users like.

Now I want to ask if it's possible for enough users to buy RDDT to get control over RDDT and keep the way reddit users want it to be? Users value their privacy. Users want to be able to see and read the posts and comments on reddit.

I figure if each of 50 million regular reddit users buy $500 worth of RDDT, that is 50 million times $500 would be a $25 billion dollar buy out.

To pay the cost of reddit operations, reddit could IPO more shares every few years and have plenty of money to operate. We'd have no ads. We'd have no bias from advertisers. Our user privacy wouldn't be sold to greedy corporations.

This seems like a whole new way to monetize a social media web site. If we the reddit users have control, and buy the stock and IPOs. We won't have obstructive ads preventing us from using reddit. We won't have to give up user privacy. We won't have to sell our email address to sign up for reddit. We can keep the way it is.

Can we the reddit users take over, or will I have to go find another social media that is similar to how was about a day or two ago?

View Reddit by AmericanSaharaView Source

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