Company stock is declining where I work over time, should I worry about job security?

Context: I work at an establishment that is owned by a publicly traded company, the incoming revenue on a slow day is typically about 80,000 USD but can be as low as 20,000 USD, on the weekends or when it’s traveling weather (we’re a fairly rural and geographically isolated business and community) the incoming rev is about 500,000 or more. This is only part of the incoming that I’m able to see. Operational Costs average about 14-25,000 USD per day.

Despite the location of the company that I work at being pretty valuable and productive (beating operation costs basically every day by over 2x even when we’re slow is pretty productive I would say) the stock associated with our corporate gaming company owner has declined by about 40% in the last year.

According to our last K-10 filing for 2022 the company as a whole saw about 6.4 billion in revenue in 2022, 5.9 at the end of 2021, and even 3.7 in 2020. Net income after loss was 221.7 mil, 420.5 mil, and (669.1) mil per each year, respectively.

Should I be concerned about my job security? I understand that stocks can not always be indicative of a company’s performance, but a drop of 40% over the course of a year, when our last filings indicated profit, has me sweating.

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