Company Dominance

Hey everyone,

I am 28 and I recently started investing just after COVID mainly in US companies. Before that I didn’t used to follow company news or even notice their role in our life except for a few. I am not American and I have been living in Australia for the last 7 years. Looking at say the top 20 companies in the S&P 500 they seem to me like they are too big to fail and have dominated their industry even though say 30 years ago the top 20 were probably all different.

And that’s where my question comes, especially for the older ones and the ones living in the USA, did the biggest companies back then also feel like they will always dominate their industry? My question is focused on the sentiment and the perception. I know some of the older companies are still here but have been surpassed by others. Or do you think our current environment is different to back then and it’s become more difficult to compete with these giant companies?

Curious to hear your opinions.

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