Changing my Roth IRA from VOO to 10 individual stocks

I have a 403b and HSA that I am capping out every year in VOO.

I decided I want to switch my Roth IRA from an ETF to pure stocks, however, I would love help diversifying.











I honestly wanted to keep around ten stocks, but I am open to a few more you would like to share.

I was think LLY or MA or V? Maybe Netflix or Uber?

I know this is not recommended, but I already have a comfortable savings lined up in my other two accounts and I have zero debt, no kids, no family. If I lose money, I'm okay with it.

Also, is there a way to make my $7000 deposit each January automatically do this?

Am I able to buy partial stocks? Or do I just put the left over dollars after buying full stocks into an ETF?

Note – I'm 36 so I have around 24 years to play with this account before I plan to move it back to an ETF.

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