Buy, or sideline SPOT?

I do not currently own any Spotify Tech, but I'm very interested in this company. I'm a little cautious in the urge to want to purchase with the earnings report set to come out on 4/23. Going back to Q1 2022 SPOT has estimated earnings all in the negatives and granted the last 2 quarters did report positive earnings of +.55 & +.58, the estimates for this next report is .72. I understand they are just now increasing some pricing, but how does this at the end of the quarter fit in to increase the estimates from last quarter of -.21 to a +.72? Not saying this isn't possible but to go from consistently giving estimates in the negatives to give guidance that is drastically different into positive territory just seems a little to far stretched. I mean am I wrong? I do personally use Spotify and enjoy what they offer, I also feel like Spotify is to streaming music/ podcasts/audio books like Netflix is to visual streaming and see the potential of a massive break out to this SPOT stock. With indicators I'm looking at SPOT has strong buys for short term (2-6 weeks), neutral ratings for mid- term (6 weeks – 9 months) and strong buy for long term (9 months – 2 years).

Looking for some other input either from current shareholders, or people sitting on the sidelines watching this stock just keep ripping into positive and soon to be ATH. Does SPOT come crashing down or do we have the next big winner?

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