Buffett says Greg Abel will make Berkshire investing decisions when he’s gone

Warren Buffett said Saturday his designated successor Greg Abel will have the final say on Berkshire Hathaway’s investing decisions when the Oracle of Omaha is no longer at the helm.

“I would leave the capital allocation to Greg and he understands businesses extremely well,” Buffett told an arena full of shareholders at Berkshire’s annual meeting.

Abel became known as Buffett’s heir apparent in 2021 after Charlie Munger inadvertently made the revelation at the shareholder meeting. Abel has been overseeing a major portion of Berkshire’s sprawling empire, including energy, railroad and retail.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/04/warren-buffett-says-greg-abel-will-make-berkshire-hathaway-investing-decisions-when-hes-gone.html

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