Any tips beyond “What’s the next Nvidia?”

I’m in my 40s and way late to the investing game outside of, “max your 401k if you can. Been 1 year of really controlling things on my own rather than just leaving money in savings because,” you never know.” Dumb mistake, and one I plan on passing on. I found plenty of tips on this sub that helped me get there, but I had to dig for them. I know ETFs good. Learned that. But for me and other newbies, what advice do you have? Not about the next hot stock (although you have me, I bought hundreds of RKLB. Are you happy?) but just riding the market in general. When do you sell, and how much? What is an acceptable gamble in your eyes? Any answers to questions I’m too dumb to think of? I’m an idiot who only feels dumber the more I learn and would love to have a place for general info for any other newbies.

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