AI Large Language Model Provider Innodata $INOD Up 100% in a month 40% YOY minimum projected revenue growth guidance.

The company has a market cap of 336 million and has recently become profitable. It provides methods to make disconnected data usable.

They just secured contracts with some of the top 7 tech conpanies which are not specifically named but can be guessed. The amount of money these companies are investing in AI hardware is enormous in comparison to how much revenue Innodata has presently which makes me think that this company is specialized enough to not face much direct competition.

Its seems to me that if they are providing ways to make data more usuable by computers and at faster speeds then that has to have a huge amount of value because it lowers the amount of processing power that firms will need to parse data.

This could be a very high margin business at the right scale and repeatedly salable.

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