401k Rebalancing what to do?

Hello all posting here because I can’t decide what to do. Here is my dilemma!

Background: I worked a job from 2016-2019 while I was going to school for an aerospace degree. During those 3 years I was putting money into a 401k and when I left I ended up with 25k mainly in mutual funds and target year retirement type of investments with fidelity.

In 2019 I started with Northrop Grumman and have been with them ever since. I enjoy the work I do and I see a long term career. I recently logged in to fidelity where I saw that account from my previous job is now sitting at 47k. So I started looking and I want to rebalance that account because I’m paying quarterly fees and I feel like it’s been good so get out while I’m on top type of mentality. That account does Aquire dividends (about 1000 yearly)

My dilemma is that I want to drop 40k into $NOC and about 7k in $PLTR.

NOC stock has been coming down and ideally like to get in somewhere closer to 420$ currently around 450$

PLTR is currently at 21.81$ and this I’m not too worried about entering since it’s relatively cheap.

I plan on holding these two stocks for a very long time. What should I do? Am I on the right track Am I smoked out? What would you do if you were me? Any opinions welcomed. Thank you for reading my post!

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