10K invested 10K to be invested and 10K gaining interest in brokerage what would you do in my position?

Well there it is everyone. The 10k invested is split between Ford 5K and JEPI and SCHD at 2.5K a piece. I have 10K more to invest and have looked into a lot of stocks but I’m not sure what to do.

I’m very interested in solid dividend stocks because I make about 55K a year and can invest about 600 per month into the market and I’d like to start a drip on a good dividend stock like JEPI. I’m very new with only 2 years of goofing around with the market so I don’t know much. I’ve looked into playing with options but I haven’t done enough research yet to risk the money.

For the stock I currently hold, I’m not interested in selling SCHD or JEPI but I’m absolutely willing to sell Ford (avg cost is 11.60) if it hits 13$ or 14$ and put that into something else. I’m not sure if that’s considered a rookie move either.

So what would you do? Did I leave something out? I feel like I’ve done well up to this point and I don’t want to lose ground. I’m open to all advice!

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