What stock have you irrationally hang onto for a long time hoping it would explode?

Over the years Ive build a nice stock portfolio which was created by a few big bangs that offset some loosing positions. However in some cases I have the feeling I’m holding on too long to some stocks and they will never take off.

In my case:

Stock: CUV (ASX) or CLVLY:US

Time held: 11 years


Clinuvel (CUV) is an obscure Australian Pharma stock. They are profitable because they provide a treatment for people with extreme light sensitivity (EPP) which is small but very profitable as they are the only treatment. Their medicine Scenesse (afamelanotide) basically makes you tanned, makes you loose appetite and gives you a hard-on (my personal experience). They are working on a treatment for vitiglio (I’m confident it will work) and stroke (unsure) which are much bigger markets. By now I had expected that big Pharma would have bought them out years ago but it hasn’t happened and at this stage their is a large change current management will do something dumb with the cash on hand, hence I’m thinking of trimming my position because the stock has been going nowhere for years…

I’m curious: what stock have you irrationally held for a long time thinking it would take off but hasn’t?

Disclaimer: I own CUV and CLVLY stock

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