What happens if someone who owns more than 5% of a stock (who isn’t an insider) sells some of their shares?

I follow someone on X who bought more than 5% of a small-cap company a year ago. The stock has fallen -66% since then and I want to know if they still hold it. A Schedule 13D was filled out when they bought the stock but no SEC paperwork has been filed under their name since then.

A few questions I have
1. If they sell any part of their stake, does SEC paperwork need to be reported? Does the amount of shares they sell make a difference if SEC paperwork needs to be filled publicly or not? What type of filling paperwork would have to be filled out (example: 13D, etc)
2. If the company dilued their shares, which caused this person's ownership of the stock to fall below 5%, could they have sold all of their stock in the company without having to file any SEC paperwork?

Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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