Took Profits & Watching from the Bench

Looking for honest opinions for & against my own, here is mine; “Nobody ever lost money taking a profit”

I took profits on all of my Accounts (aside from Retirement) on 3/21, pulled everything (minus a few losers), have all my cash in a Fidelity FZDXX Premium Money Market Fund which has a 5.16% 7-Day Yield right now. It is my opinion that with a few months at this rate, worst case a few months even at 4.5% after supposed rate cuts to come, are going to outperform the Index’ at least past the election. I’m really not trying to time the market but everything feels extremely expensive and it’s all hyped up on A.I. Bitcoin & general momentum… so maybe I am but I think I’m right & this can’t keep up much longer, flat at best. Maybe I just can’t see it & I’ve rarely if ever felt like a Bear but trusting my 🧠 right now.

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