$TFC Value vs Book Value

Im still learning and know enough at this point to realize there is waaaaaaay more to learn than I ever realized. But, I’m trying.

A little while ago I was looking at a few different stocks and running numbers as I browsed a few sites. I found Truist financial–a regional bank with a value of $35.51 as of me typing this. Yep, regional bank and just in time for renewed gloom and doom for them based on the interest rate situation.

Anyhow, I noticed on Yahoofinance that it has a book value per share of $39.31, which is greater than the share price. However it does have a revenue per share of $15.98. I’m wondering does any of this specifically give a clear indication that it is undervalued? Specifically, the current book value that is listed there. I’m not planning to buy. I’m only trying to learn more about finding fair value with different metrics beyond comparing the sector/peer company p/e ratios.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or advice.

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