S&P 500 Index Returns In U.S. Presidential Election Years

Information is pulled from the First Trust Portfolios report posted by Morgan Stanley:There have been 23 elections since the S&P 500 Index began. In these election years:• 19 of the 23 years (83%) provided positive performance• When a Democrat was in office and a new Democrat was elected, the total return for the year averaged 11.0%• When a Democrat was in office and a Republican was elected, the total return for the year averaged 12.9%

2016 – Trump: 12.0%
2012 – Obama: 16.0%
2008 – Obama: -37.0%
2004 Bush W.: 10.9%
2000 – Bush W.: -9.1%
1988 – Bush H.W.: 16.8%

1984 – Reagan: 6.3%

1980 – Reagan: 32.4%

We're up 10.68% YTD already – 1 to 2% off averages. What are your thoughts here?

I saw this months ago and set a VOO Sell Lmit Order that has now been triggered. I'm worried I'll miss out on gains of course considering the stock market feels healthy.

Edited for formatting of %

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