SOXL position closed – did I make the right call? lol

New investor, been throwing around some money conservatively for the past year or two. I had a $2500 book value position @$16.80/share of SOXL in which I acquired starting in April of last year, DCA'ing thru the year.

I just sold 140 of my 150 shares at $54.50/share as I sense It can not sustain this pace . Made off with about a 220% gain. Am I doing this right? Should I have held in longer, or is selling at a profit and then buying the next dip the right call?

My anxiety feels much more relieved in knowing that I have flipped 2500 into 8000 and cashed out before a major down turn, but i do have a little bit of FOMO as god only knows what the markets gonna do, but what's done is done ! Looking forward to hearing some replies.

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