One month ago, this sub agreed with me that I should probably sell Airbnb. I didn’t.

Link to the post saying I’m probably selling my Airbnb stock:

I'm probably selling my Airbnb stock. Your experience?
byu/auradragon1 instocks

It had 89% upvote with 536 upvotes.

I basically went the opposite of this sub, which seems to work out pretty well in general. Most people on here are incredibly biased.

A few commenters were countering my post:

> Any chance you’re a single man? Ask your friends with kids how they travel


> I used an airbnb recently and had a fantastic experience. Great host, remote area, lots of value add without all the crazy rules. That said I also live in an area whose housing market has been ruined, in part, by the prevalence of airbnb and institutional investors. Whole neighborhoods built for airbnb. It’s gotten way out of hand and personally I’d love to see the whole thing crash and burn with a few exceptions.

Whole neighborhoods build for Airbnb tells me that there is huge demand still.

> Classic Reddit bias where the people with poor experiences are much more likely to post. Have people had bad experiences, yes. But I’m quite confident the mix of negative reviews here means nothing in the big picture.

I agree.

Lastly, I noticed that my general disappointment with Airbnb is that it isn’t widely available in the places I want to travel to – not that I hate the service. Furthermore, I disliked the fact that my building has a lot of Airbnb apartments, which annoys me as a full-time renter. That should tell me that people still book a lot of Airbnbs even though it’s annoying for other tenants.

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