No Stop Loss, Would Stop Limit with low limit be basically the same thing?


I’m looking for some help with Stop limit Sell orders.

I’m trading on Sofi and they do not offer a Stop Loss when selling shares. Would setting up a Stop Limit with a low limit value be basically the same thing? I am looking to protect myself from a possible large drop in value and limit my losses to 5%.

I know a Stop Loss will turn into a market order and sell at the Market price when the target is hit. Typically I would set the Stop Loss at -5% of the stock value and be done.

From what I understand for the Stop Limit, when the stop target is hit, the limit order will activate as long as it’s above the limit price. Does that mean if I set the limit really low will it basically trigger at the market price? For instance if I set the stop at -5% the value of the stock and the limit at -50% the value of the stock. Are there any downsides to doing this?

I appreciate any thoughts anyone has on this.


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