New in the market Questions.

Hi yall! really interesting world the stock market!

Disclaimer\*\* I looked at lot on google and these are the questions I still have.
First question : Are there any free portfolio tool for a beginner? I Guess I will have to pay at some point but I’m just dipping my toe in it so I would like to just learn the basic before paying for any stuff.

If not, what are the best? (I’m using Disnat as trading tool because I’m Canadian and its free/easy).

Second question : in the same direction, what is the best tool (free again) to have the closest to real time market price? I was using TradeView but its sometime 30 minutes behind so its annoying..

Third : Any good book on the subject? to learn terms, type of investing etc.?

Fourth : Have a beautiful day. Cheers.

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